This project deploys a simple HTTP API built using Express.js. The application runs in a web service resource and uses a Postgres relational database to store the data. To simplify the database access, this project uses Prisma.
This project deploys a simple Server-side rendered NextJS application. The project uses a Web Service to run the Next app.
This project deploys a simple HTTP API built using Django and Django REST Framework. The application runs in a web service resource and uses a Postgres relational database to store the data.
This project deploys a simple HTTP API built using Flask. The application runs in a web service resource and uses a Postgres relational database to store the data.
This project deploys a simple HTTP API built using Gin framework. The application runs in a web service resource and uses a Postgres relational database to store the data. To simplify the database access, this project uses go-gin.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based HTTP API. The application runs in a Lambda function and uses DynamoDb to store the data. To simplify the database access, this project uses DynamoDb OneTable.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based HTTP API. The application runs in a Lambda function and uses MongoDb Atlas cluster to store the data. To simplify the database access, this project uses Mongoose ORM.
This project deploys a simple Server-side rendered Laravel application. The project uses a Web Service to run the Laravel app.
This project deploys a simple HTTP API built using Nest.js. The application runs in a web service resource and uses a Postgres relational database to store the data. To simplify the database access, this project uses Prisma.
This project deploys a simple HTTP API built using Ruby on Rails. The application runs in a Web Service resource and uses a Postgres relational database to store the data.
This project deploys a simple HTTP API built using Spring Boot. The application runs in a web service resource and uses a Postgres relational database to store the data.
This project deploys a simple Single Page Application built using The project uses a S3 storage bucket to store the application assets and a CDN to cache the content at the edge.
This project deploys a statically-built Gatsby.js application. The project uses a S3 storage bucket to store the application assets and a CDN to cache the content at the edge.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based HTTP API using Go runtime. The application runs in a Lambda function and uses DynamoDb to store the data.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based HTTP API using Java runtime. The application runs in a Lambda function and uses DynamoDb to store the data.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based stream-processing app. The application uses 2 Lambda functions, Upstash Kafka topic and HTTP API Gateway. The first Lambda function is triggered by an HTTP request. It writes the message from the HTTP request to the Kafka topic. The Kafka topic batches the messages. The second lambda function processes the batched messages.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based HTTP API. The application runs in a Lambda function and uses a MySQL relational database to store the data. To simplify the database access, this project uses Prisma.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based HTTP endpoint that stores the data in Upstash Redis.
This project deploys a web link scraper implemented in Typescript using headless chrome - Puppeteer. The scraper runs in a Lambda function
This project deploys a simple Server-side rendered NuxtJS v3 application. The project uses a Web Service to run the Nuxt app and a S3 storage bucket with CDN to host the static content.
This project deploys a simple Server-side rendered NuxtJS v3 application. The project uses a Lambda function to run the Nuxt app and a S3 storage bucket with CDN to host the static content.
This project deploys a simple Lambda-based HTTP API using Python runtime. The application runs in a Lambda function and uses DynamoDb to store the data. To simplify the database access, this project uses PyMongo.
This project deploys a simple Single Page Application built using React.js and Vite.js. The project uses a S3 storage bucket to store the application assets and a CDN to cache the content at the edge.
This project deploys a simple Websocket API built using The application runs in a container workload and uses Upstash redis to store the session data. The requests are routed using Application Load Balancer. The Websocket API is work as expected even if horizontally scaled (multiple parallel instances can be added).
This project deploys a simple Single Page Application built using Vue.js and Vite.js. The project uses a S3 storage bucket to store the application assets and a CDN to cache the content at the edge.
This project deploys machine-learning powered image classifier built using Tensorflow and Python. The project uses a Batch job to run the classification and 2 S3 storage buckets to store the input and output.
This project deploys a simple Single Page Application built using Vue.js and Vite.js. The project uses a S3 storage bucket to store the application assets and a CDN to cache the content at the edge.